
Thursday, November 20, 2008

If I could...

be anywhere in the world right now, this is where I would choose to be. I miss these kids so much. They have my heart so totally and completely.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Just decided.

I want to get some sidewalk chalk, lots of art supplies, some yummy food and a couple pairs of clothes and just jump in my car and go.

I want people to know what's going on in this world and I'm going to be a voice for the voiceless.

I want to love, to feel alive, not just getting by.

I want every moment to stand out. I want to breathe. To really breathe. To feel. To smile. To listen to music and melt.

I want to live with good friends and share food and laughter and never worry what our next step will be.

I want to trust God with all of I've got. Not just with the little things.

I want each part of my life to be genuine. I want to be filled with wonder and awe at every little thing that's placed in front of me.

I want to get out and experience something different, something challenging, something uncomfortable.
