
Friday, August 7, 2009


I want to write something interesting, but my mind can't wrap itself around words right now.

I'm on repeat, repeat, repeat.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Wondering, thinking, wondering
Wandering out of my skin
Picturing blue skies above us
Picturing love deep within
Looking around with big eyes now
Looking at what's really there
Seeing a love simply faded
Seeing a heart that's broken

Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Why am I so bad at things?

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

I am

pouring my heart into a basket

trying to make it melt

looking into stars with no pockets

dreaming of a day with plenty

of time and nowhere to run

hurting, waiting, dreaming

flying into my feelings

love is pulling

farther down

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Everybody needs a little love.

I was thinking a lot today about the amount of hatred and anger in this world. It really makes my heart sad. To think that there are so many out there that have such hurt and hatred that they could take away another persons life. It just seems to me that the value of a human life has almost become obsolete. People don't seem to care about the fact that they are alive and wonderful and unique. That is so sad to me. That people can't see past their faults, flaws, hurts, bitterness, anger, cynicism, to just see that they are valuable and that the people around them are going through the same things as them, and thats what makes life so beautiful. We are an imperfect human race. And our imperfections make each one of us rare. I just can't ever get over the fact that we all have our own story. We all have a life full of details, big ones, little ones, crazy ones, sad ones, but so many of them that we could never compare our details to the person next to us, no matter how much we have in common. Life happens to us all differently, we all see things in different perspectives. No one has the same perspective. Isn't that crazy? I just want so much for everyone to see that beauty in it. To understand that the life of the person next to them is not something to throw aside. It's important.

I know it sounds so cliche and "hippie" but I really just want everyone to love each other. And to experience love. I just want everyone to experience love. The real-ness of it. The vulnerability of it. The truth of it. The gut-wrenching feeling of it.

I'm a dreamer.