
Thursday, October 23, 2008


I saw this book today.

The title was "Life is a Verb."

It was screaming at me (although I didn't buy it) but the title really threw me for a loop.

Do I really live life as a verb? Lately I've been feeling stuck inside this little shell called my house. I want so much to get out and do things, to get out of my comfort zone. But instead, I take the easy route and lay around in my pajamas all day, listen to ridiculous music, do my homework. Basically I just haven't been putting myself out there. I haven't been pursuing relationships, running free and wild, doing the things that really excite me. I haven't been getting a taste of the real world around me. Sometimes I have to pinch myself and make sure I'm alive.


Sigh. I need to get out.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


One word. Scares the hell out of me.

I've been realizing lately that I need more risk in my life. I need to take a step out into the unknown. I need to do things without the fear of what might go wrong.

I feel like so often I play it safe. I only do what is expected of me and I stay inside the lines. I'm not a "lines" kind of person though. At least I don't want to be. What does staying inside the lines get you anyhow? Possibly a perfect picture, but no imagination, no creativity, and nothing others haven't seen before or couldn't do themselves.

I want to be outside the lines, sparking creativity, getting lost in my imagination, opening people's eyes to what they are missing out on. And I want to take people with me outside the lines.

So I wonder, what's stopping me?

Laziness, distractions, fear?
Possibly all the above.

Well I've decided it's time to start overcoming those ridiculous obstacles and start creating change--one risk at a time.

This blog is my starting point. :)