
Thursday, January 3, 2013

What I'm aiming for.

Resolution: A firm decision to do or not to do something.
Goal: The end toward which effort is directed.

I don't know why, but I have always disliked the whole "New Years Resolutions" thing.
Maybe because after a month, no one really remembers them or keeps them.

I guess I like goals more instead.
They are directed towards something.
It includes a process.
And like I've said before, I really like processes.

I have a really good feeling about this year.
A lot of exciting things will be happening.

I'll be graduating from Culinary school.
Potentially moving out.
Potentially moving all together.
I will probably be visiting many of my closest friends.
Seeing new sights.
I'll be working two jobs that I absolutely adore.
I'll be creating more art.

On top of all that, I'm hoping this year holds more things as well.

I'm hoping to meet more people
and to build on the friendships I already have.

I'm hoping that by the end of the year, I will be more myself than I am right now.

I'm hoping I will forgive myself.

I'm hoping I will be kinder to people.

I'm hoping I'll speak more Spanish.

I'm hoping I'll speak more, period.

I'm hoping I will be more aware of what's happening in the world.

I'm hoping I will begin taking steps again to make the world a better place.

I'm hoping I'll learn to stand up for myself
and in turn to stand up for others.

I'm hoping to read more books
and paint more pictures
and drink more coffee.

I'm hoping to love myself.

I'm hoping to find someone to love.

I'm hoping for more spontaneity and adventure
to go after life so hard that I don't forget for a second that I'm living.

I'm hoping to walk barefoot more often.
And to have a dinner party.
And to make meals for people, often.

I'm hoping to stop being so selfish.
To remember at all moments that other people are living stories.

I'm hoping to listen to more people's stories: the good, the bad, the ugly, the uncomfortable, the joyful.
Every story is important.

I'm hoping to do more things to surprise people.

Anyway, goals...I have them. Nothing exactly that I can just "quit," but I've decided it's going to be a process of becoming more myself.

I'm not going to get down on myself if I slip out of line.
It seems like with resolutions, once they are broken, people normally give up.
But not with goals.
With goals, it's just an obstacle, a stumbling block.

2013. It's going to be a good year.

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